[quote][i]Original geschrieben von cerb[/i]
Und job, ich kann Gedanken lesen und du willst bestimmt nicht das ich hier schreibe was du gerade denkst :p (**) hehe.
* Added ability to specify content download region (in Settings->downloads)
* Fixed a condition that would prevent Steam from automatically applying game updates until game launch
* Fixed a bug preventing in-game status for 3rd party games
* Fixed running a non-Steam shortcut not changing user status to in-game
* Updated processor detection for "System Information" window and hardware survey
* Detect Windows 7 correctly in the hardware survey/system info dialog
* Fixed a bug affecting Dawn of War II beta participants in certain languages
* Fixed a bug in the game overlay affecting some Dawn of War II beta participants who have the game overlay disabled
* Fixed a rare case where Steam could prevent games from launching
* Fix crash when right-clicking a text edit control with an input locale that is new with Vista
* Updated German localization
* Fixed some potential string truncation in non-English locales
* Repaired layout of controls in Event announcement popup window
* Additional network API warnings for Steamworks partners[/QUOTE]
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