*haben will*
->[quote][i]Original geschrieben von [URL=http://www.eurogamer.net]Eurogamer[/URL] [/i]
Players are reporting that Grand Theft Auto IV on PC has some major reliability problems - but Rockstar is on the way to the rescue.
"We are aware that a small number of fans are having problems running GTA IV on their PCs and we would like to assure them we are working to help solve these as quickly as possible," a Rockstar spokesperson told GTAGaming.
"We would ask anyone that is encountering difficulties to contact their local technical support helpline for advice and recommendations. These telephone numbers can be found in the game's manual.
"There is also a regularly updated technical support page available on the Rockstar Games website where there are many useful FAQs, and information on how to resolve some common problems being encountered," added the statement.
The problems appear to revolve around lengthy validation and astronomic graphics settings that not even the best PCs can utilise. One Steam forum member summed the problems up eloquently.
As Kotaku points out, the Steam forums are not the only ones awash with floundering fans: GTAForums and the GTAGaming boards both exhibit large mobs of disgruntled purchasers.
This is a shame, because Grand Theft Auto IV remains a classic game, although the PC conversion [/quote]
Der Post wurde 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Bobby am 04.12.2008 - 23:56.
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