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742 Beiträge - Alter Hase |
alos ich habs mir grad drauf gemacht wer zocken will sagt einfach nescheid XD
Beitrag vom 19.11.2008 - 22:04 |
Beitrag vom 20.11.2008 - 02:14 |
323 Beiträge - Fingerwundschreiber |
ich habe das bei google gefunden...
ne cfg habe ich nicht direkt gefunden ;(
Beitrag vom 20.11.2008 - 05:16 |
554 Beiträge - Alter Hase |
Beitrag vom 20.11.2008 - 06:56 |
ba da muss man aber ne menge hochladen :-o
server.cfg :
Lives & Respawning
mp_lifecount (0)
Number of lives players will have for this level. Set to -1 and the game will decide.
mp_spawntime (30)
Time players are allowed to spawn at the start of the level.
sk_health_charger_time (0)
Number of seconds before the health charger refills. Zero means never.
Map Changing
mp_transition_percent (65)
Percentage of players that must be in a transition to proceed
mp_transition_time (60)
Time in seconds the level will be forced to change (other players will be moved if they are not ready)
mp_flashlight (0)
Enable the use of flashlights
Game skill level. Valid values are 1, 2, and 3, where 3 is the hardest. See also skill.cfg.
sv_playerpush (1)
If players can shove each-other by walking to each-other or not.
sv_playerpush_force (100)
Specifies how much push a player does.
Beitrag vom 20.11.2008 - 15:47 |
4913 Beiträge - Forenlegende |
So, ich habs auch - wann soll'n wa ma zocken?
Beitrag vom 21.11.2008 - 05:30 |
96 Beiträge - Neuling |
Beitrag vom 21.11.2008 - 07:24 |