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Downloads » Battlefield 2 - Files » Desert Conflict 0.1a (Client) Download-Infos
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Battlefield 2 - Files Desert Conflict 0.1a (Client)
18.04.2007 von Schlagges

The Sandstorm has returned! The long anticipated Desert Conflict Mod for BF2 brings the classic feel of Desert Combat to the BF2 engine with its Alpha release.

You loved Desert Combat and longed for it to return within BF2. Done.
You wanted skill to be a factor in BF2. Done.
You wanted dumbfire missles for aircraft, handheld aa & ground based aa. Done.
You wanted familiar vehicles. Done (and still adding more)
You wanted Capture The Flag. Done
You wanted the classic maps. Done
You wanted Artillery brought back to the player. Done.

You wanted to play it. DONE!
Grösse 676,0 MB
Downloads 871
Datum 18.04.2007
Kommentare 0
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Wertung ø 9,00
1 Stimme(n)

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